Exciting New Titles at Minerva Public Library

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Booklist Reviews
More than 160,000 book reviews for librarians, book groups, and book lovers—from the trusted experts at the American Library Association. This is a great starting place for caregivers to read professional reviews over books their children choose to read.

Good Reads
This website is a great way to find new books to read! Keep track of what you’ve read and what you’d like to read. See what your friends are reading & get recommendations from them. View current reviews of books that you are wanting to read and see what the most popular (and unpopular) books that people are reading.

Oprah's Book Club
Links to ALL of the Oprah book club selections; books seen on her show, from her magazine, Kids reading list & book club discussion tips. Learn how to participate in Oprah’s Book Club 2.0., get the Oprah’s Book Club list, discover new books, read book reviews and find essays from famous authors.

Reese's Book Club
Reese Witherspoon's Hello Sunshine book club has made a big impression on publishing in only two years. Officially established in July of 2017, the books chosen for the monthly book club regularly pop up on USA TODAY's Best-Selling Books list.

USA TODAY's Best-Selling Book List
USA TODAY's Best-Selling Books list ranks the 150 top-selling titles each week based on an analysis of sales from U.S. booksellers