Tax Form Links

Tax Forms

Request by phone - (Federal: 800-829-3676) (State: 800-282-1782)

Print from home or print your forms at the library. $0.10 per page for black/white copies.


Click on form name for printable file

1040- Income Tax Return
1040 Instructions
1040-SR Income Tax Return (For Seniors 65+)

Schedule 1 Additional Income
Schedule 2 Additional Taxes
Schedule 3 Additional Credits and Payments
8863 Educational Credits
1040-ES Estimated Tax For Individuals
Schedule A Itemized Deductions
Schedule B Interest and Ordinary Dividends
Schedule C Profit or Loss from Business
Schedule D Capital Gains and Losses
Schedule E Supplemental Income and Loss
Schedule F Profit or Loss from Farming

Click here to find more Federal forms or call 1-800-TAX-FORM
Where's My Refund or 1-800-829-1040


Ohio IT 1040 Individual Income Tax Return

To find more Ohio forms or call 1-800-282-1782
Where's my Refund or 1-800-282-1784


Minerva LSD  7610
Carrollton EVSD 1002
United LSD 1510
Sandy Valley LSD 7616
Brown LSD 1001
Osnaburg LSD 7613