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Hey there, all you fabulous adult bookworms! The countdown is on! You've got until February 28th to tackle the first challenge of 2025. How's that epic quest for 100 books treating you? 📚✨
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Knit It Up

(August 4, 2011)  Like to knit or crochet?   The Minerva Knitters hold their last meeting of the summer on Monday, August 8 from 6:30-7:30 in the library's Board Room.  It's a chance to chat and knit with like-minded folks.  All skill levels are welcome. 


(August 4, 2011Mango!  Not the tropical fruit or the annoying Saturday Night Live character, but an innovative online tool for learning a foreign language.  It's available to you for free through the Ohio Web Library. All you need is a library card and access to the world wide web. Whether you want to brush up your skills before a trip abroad, or want a complete, in-depth course to learn a new language, Mango will get you there.

Fall Book Sale Begins Saturday

(October 3, 2011)  The library's fall book sale begins this Saturday, October 8.  Books for all ages and many interests will be sold at reasonable prices.  The popular $1 a bag sale will take place on Saturday, October 15.   The book sale is open all hours that the library is open to the public, and new items are added every day.  All proceeds will be used to support library programs and to purchase new materials this year for you to check out and enjoy. 

Library Closed on Monday

(October 7, 2011)   The library will be closed this Monday, October 10, as a furlough day without pay for all library staff.  This is the third of five furlough days staff will take this year as part of the library's plan to reduce spending to manage the reduction in the Public Library Fund money received from the State of Ohio. No library materials are due on any day that the library is closed.  

Women in the Civil War--Tuesday Night

(October 19, 2011) From home front to battlefront, and behind enemy lines, North and South, the role of women in the Civil War was varied and important. This Tuesday, October 25, at 7:00 pm, Leslie Heaphy, Associate Professor of History at Kent State University, Stark Campus,  examines these varied roles: slave, housewife, soldier, spy, and more, in a lively and informative talk. 

The Civil War--Battles and Politics, 1861--Tuesday at 7:00 pm

(October 26, 2011)  The battles of 1861 didn't just happen.  They were driven not only by the military conditions at the front, but by political considerations at home, both North and South. Join us Tuesday, November 1, at 7:00 pm when Jay Case, Professor of History at Malone University, will present a lively and informative talk about how military and political maneuvers were tied together in the first year of the Civil War.